Selected publications
A.Loskutov and A.S.Mikhailov.
Introduction into
Synergetics.− Nauka, Moscow, 1990 (Russian)
A.S.Mikhailov and A.Loskutov. Foundation of Synergetics II. Complex Patterns.− Springer, Berlin, 210pp. (First Edition, 1991). Second Enlarged and Revised Edition "Chaos and Noise", 1995.
A.Loskutov and A.S.Mikhailov.
Principles of the Theory of
Complex Systems.− Reg. and Chaot. Dynamics, Moscow, 2007 (Russian)
Collective monograph Mathematical Methods in Contemporary Chemistry. Ed. S.I.Kuchanov. Gordon and Breach, 1996. Collective monograph Synergetic paradigm. Eds. O.N.Astafieva, V.G.Budanov and V.V.Vasilkova.− Progress-Tradition, Moscow, 2007 (Russian) Collective monograph Dynamical Models of the Processes in Cells and Subcell Nanostructures. Eds. G.Riznichenko, A.B.Rubin.– Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Moscow-Izhevsk, 2010 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Chaos, its Suppression and Controlling. In: Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results, ed. J. Awrejcewicz. Academy Verlag, 1995. A.Loskutov. Chaoticity of dynamical systems and chaos suppression: Main concepts.– Physical Ideas of Russia, 1997, v.2-3, p.5-35 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Dynamical Systems: Chaoticity and Controllability.– In: Transactions of the Seminar «Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems». Moscow Univ. Press, Moscow, 1999, p.45-100 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. I. Chaos.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-20. A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. II. Suppression of chaos and controlling dynamical systems.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-21. A.Loskutov. Chaos and control in dynamical systems.– Computational Math. and Modeling, 2001, v.12, No4, p.314-352. A.Loskutov, O.L.Kotlyarov, I.A.Istomin and D.I.Zhuravlev. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. III. Local methods of time series forecasting.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2002, No6, p.3-21.
A.Loskutov. Dynamical chaos. Systems of classical mechanics.–
Physics -
Uspekhi, 2007, v.50, No9, p.939-964
A.Loskutov. Fascination of chaos.–
Physics – Uspekhi, 2010, v.53,
No12, p.1257-1280
Selected refereed PAPERS sorted To scientific topics Dynamical Systems, Chaos and Applications Controlling Chaotic Systems and Suppression of Chaos Cardiac Arrhythmias and Excitable Media Information Processing and Secure Communications
Selected refereed papers in chronological order
► Dynamical Systems, Chaos and Applications A.Loskutov and A.I.Shishmarev. A property of the family of quadratic maps with stochastic dynamics under a parametric action.– Russian Math. Surveys, 1993, v.48, No1, p.183-174. A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. On dynamics of a circle map.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 1993, v.34, No4, p.19-27. A.Loskutov. Chaos, its Suppression and Controlling. In: Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results, ed. J. Awrejcewicz. Academy Verlag, 1995. A.Loskutov. Chaoticity of dynamical systems and chaos suppression: Main concepts.– Physical Ideas of Russia, 1997, v.2-3, p.5-35 (Russian). A.N.Deryugin and A.Loskutov. To the problem of creation of limit cycles from a separatrix contour in a three parameter dynamical system family on two-dimensional oriented manifolds.– Differential Eqs., 1999, v.35, No12, p.1607-1618. A.Loskutov, A.V.Mushenkov, A.I.Odintsov and A.I.Fedoseev. Chaotic generation of a flow laser with spatially-nonhomogeneous pumping.– Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1999, v.7, No1, p.40-48 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.V.Mushenkov, A.I.Odintsov, A.I.Fedoseev and A.V.Fedyanovich. Chaotic lasing regimes in the unstable cavity of a inhomogeneously pumped fast-flow laser.– Quantum Electronics, 1999, v.29, No11, p.965-969. A.Loskutov. Dynamical Systems: Chaoticity and Controllability.– In: Transactions of the Seminar "Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems". Moscow Univ. Press, Moscow, 1999, p.45-100 (Russian).
A.Loskutov and S.Rybalko. Chaos
theory: Present and future.– Notices of the American Math. Soc.,
2000, v.47, No4, p.438
A.Loskutov. Reproducibility of the
structure and properties of parts and their description within the framework
of nonlinear dynamics.– Glass and Ceramics, 2000, v57, No7,
A.Loskutov. Complex patterns and self-organisation in chaotic systems.– Bull. of V.Tarasov Center of The Chemotronics of Glass, 2000, No1, p.48-55. A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. I. Chaos.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-20. A.Loskutov. Chaos and control in dynamical systems.– Computational Math. and Modeling, 2001, v.12, No4, p.314-352.
N.V.Brilliantov, A.Loskutov and
V.V.Malinin. Field theory analysis of critical behavior of symmetric binary
fluid.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 2002, v.130, No1, p.123-135
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Some properties of one- and two-dimensional perturbed maps.– Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Difference Equations and Applications, ICDEA'2000, Temuco, Chile, January 3–7, 2000.– Taylor and Francis Publ., London, 2002, p.207-230. A.Loskutov. The charm of chaos.– Sustainable Development. Science & Practice, 2003, v.2, p. 13-21 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Bifurcation.– Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2006, v.3, p.564-565.
A.Loskutov. Dynamical chaos. Systems of classical mechanics.–
Physics -
Uspekhi, 2007, v.50, No9, p.939-964
A.Loskutov. Fascination of chaos.–
Physics – Uspekhi, 2010, v.53,
No12, p.1257-1280
► Controlling Chaotic Systems and Suppression of Chaos V.V.Alekseev and A.Loskutov. Destochastization of a system with a strange attractor by parametric interaction.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 1985, v.40, No3, p.46-49.
V.V.Alekseev and A.Loskutov.
Control of a system with a strange attractor through periodic parametric
action.– Sov. Phys.–Dokl., 1987, v.32, No4, p.270-271
A.Loskutov. Possibility of predicting the behaviour of one class of biosystems in a chaotic regime of movement.– Biophysics, 1992, v.37, No1, p.114-121.
A.Loskutov. Dynamics control of
chaotic systems by parametric destochastization.– J. Phys. A, 1993,
v.26, No18, p.4581-4594
A.Loskutov and G.Thomas. Chaos and its suppression in a two-dimensional coupled map lattice. –Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 1993, v.34, No5, p.3-11.
A.Loskutov, A.I.Shishmarev.
Control of dynamical systems behavior by parametric perturbations: an
analytic approach.– Chaos, 1994, v.4, No2, p.351-355
A.N.Deryugin, A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. To the problem of stabilization of unstable behavior in non–autonomous dynamical systems.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 1995, v.103, No4, p.507-512. A.Loskutov. Chaos, its Suppression and Controlling. In: Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results, ed. J. Awrejcewicz. Academy Verlag, 1995.
A.N.Deryugin, A.Loskutov and
V.M.Tereshko. Inducing stable periodic dynamics by parametric
perturbations.– Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,, 1996, v.7, No10,
A.Loskutov, V.M.Tereshko and K.A.Vasiliev. Stabilization of chaotic dynamics of one-dimensional maps.– Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 1996, v.6, No4, p.725-735. A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko, U.Feudel and J.Kurths. Suppression of chaos by cyclic parametric excitation in two-dimensional maps.– J. Phys. A, 1996, v.29, No18, p.5759-5773. A.Loskutov. Chaoticity of dynamical systems and chaos suppression: Main concepts.– Physical Ideas of Russia, 1997, v.2-3, p.5-35 (Russian). A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko and L.G.Akinshin. Controlling dynamical systems and suppression of chaos.– Differential Eqs., 1998, v.34, No8, p.1143-1144. A.V.Mushenkov, A.Loskutov, A.I.Odintsov, A.I.Fedoseev and V.F.Sharkov. Non-stationary operation of the fast-flow lasers and new possibilities of controlling the laser output characteristics.– Proc. SPIE, 1998, v.3574, p.791-797. A.Loskutov. Dynamical Systems: Chaoticity and Controllability.– In: Transactions of the Seminar "Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems". Moscow Univ. Press, Moscow, 1999, p.45-100 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. II. Suppression of chaos and controlling dynamical systems.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-21. A.Loskutov. Chaos and control in dynamical systems.– Computational Math. and Modeling, 2001, v.12, No4, p.314-352. A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko and A.K.Prokhorov. Dynamics of parametrically excited maps.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2002, No4, p.3-7. A.Loskutov and A.R.Dzhanoev. Stabilization of the chaotic behaviour of dynamical systems.– Doklady–Physics, 2003, v.48, No10, p.580-582. A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Mechanisms of non-feedback controlling chaos and suppression of chaotic motion.– In: Proc. of 2003 Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 20-22, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Eds. A.L.Fradkov and A.N.Churilov.– IEEE, 2003, vol.2, p.378-389. A.Loskutov and A.Dzhanoev. Homoclinical chaos suppression.– In: Proc. of 2003 Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 20-22, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Eds. A.L.Fradkov and A.N.Churilov.– IEEE, 2003, vol.2, p..403-409. A.Loskutov and A.R.Dzhanoev. Suppression of homoclinical chaos.– In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. Vol. 3. Ed. S.V.Emel'yanov and S.K.Korovin. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2003, p.107-122 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, A.K.Prokhorov,
S.D.Rybalko and Yu.S.Fomina. Parametric perturbations and dynamical system
control.– Comput. Math. and Modeling, 2004, v.15, No3, p.257-275
A.Loskutov, A.R.Dzhanoev.
Suppression of chaos in the vicinity of a separatrix.– J. Exp. and Theor.
Physics, 2004, v.125, No5, p.1194-1203
A.Loskutov, A.Dzhanoev and T.Schwalger. Is chaos always suppressed parametrically?– Proc. of Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 24-26, Saint Petersburg, Russia.– IEEE, 2005, p.254-259.
T.Schwalger, A.Dzhanoev and
A.Loskutov. May chaos always be suppressed by parametric perturbations?–
CHAOS, 2006, v.16, 023109, p.1-5
A.Loskutov. Parametric
perturbations and non–feedback controlling chaotic motion.– Discrete and
Cont. Dyn. Syst.–B, 2006, v.6, No5, p.1157-1174
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, H.Cao and
M.A.F.Sanjuan. A new mechanism of chaos suppression.– Discrete and Cont.
Dyn. Syst.–B, 2007, v.7, No2, p.275-284
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov. Chaos
and its suppression in the restricted three–body problem.– Proc. of 33 Int.
Conf. «Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics». Ed.
M.D.Todorov. American Institute of Physics, 2007, p.99-105
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov.
Stabilization of chaotic behavior in the restricted three–body problem.–
Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2007, v.17, No10, p.3603-3606
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Solution of the inverse problem of the parametric control of one-dimensional maps.– In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. Vol.6. Eds. S.V.Emelyanov, S.K.Korovin. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2008, p.229-240 (Russian).
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov,
J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sanjuán. Stabilized chaos in the Sitnikov problem. In:
Chaos in Astronomy. Eds. G.Contopoulos, P.A.Patsis.– Springer, Berlin,
2009, p.301-305
A.Loskutov. Nonlinear optimization
of the chaotic market dynamics.– Economics and Math. Methods, 2010,
v.46, No 3, p. 58-70
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sanjuán. Chaos stabilization in the three body problem. In: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos. Eds. M.A.F.Sanjuán and C.Grebogi. World Sci., Ser. Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, 2010, v.16, p.395-408. ► Cardiac Arrhythmias and Excitable Media A.Loskutov. Nonlinear dynamics and cardiac arrhythmia.– Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, v.2, No3-4, p.14-25 (Russian). N.L.Komarova and A.Loskutov. Chaos and non-feedback controlling of oscillating chemical reactions.– Math. Modelling, 1995, v.7, No10, p.133-142 (Russian). A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.Zhuchkova. A model of cardiac tissue as an excitable medium with two interacting pacemakers with refractory period.– Critical Review in Biomedical Engineering, 2002, No5-6, p.73-81. A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.V.Nalimova. To the problem of modelling some types of cardiac arrhythmias.– In: «Medical Physics». Eds. V.I.Trukhin et al. Moscow State Univ. Press, 2002, p.135-145 (Russian). A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.Zhuchkova. Dynamics of excitable media with two interacting pacemakers.– Biophysics, 2002, v.47, No5, p.829-838. A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.Zhuchkova. Modelling and controlling the heart conductive system. – In: Proc. of 2003 Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 20-22, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Eds. A.L.Fradkov and A.N.Churilov.– IEEE, 2003, vol.2, p. 522-527. A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.Zhuchkova. Dynamics of an excitable medium with interacting pacemakers and a refractory time.– Banach Center Publications, 2004. Vol.63, p.231-241
A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and
E.Zhuchkova. Model of cardiac tissue as a conductive system with interacting
pacemakers and refractory time.– Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2004, v.14,
No7, p.2457-2466
N.A.Kovaleva and A.Loskutov.
Stabilization of diffusion–induced chaotic processes.– Doklady – Physical
Chemistry, 2004, v.396, No1, p.105-107
A.Loskutov, R.V.Cheremin and
S.A.Vysotsky. Stabilization of turbulent dynamics in excitable media by an
external point action.– Doklady – Physics, 2005, v.50, No10,
S.A.Vysotsky, R.V.Cheremin and
A.Loskutov. Suppression of spatio-temporal chaos in simple models of
re-entrant fibrillations.– J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 2005, v.23,
S.A.Vysotsky, R.V.Cheremin and A.Loskutov. Suppression of spiral-wave turbulence by point weak excita\-tions.– Proc. of Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 24-26, Saint Petersburg, Russia.– IEEE, 2005, p.236-239.
O.Mironyuk and A.Loskutov.
Detection of cardiac pathologies by dimensional characteristics of RR–intervals
of the electrocardiograms.– Biophysics, 2006, v.51, p.115-119
A.Loskutov, S.A.Vysotskii. New
approach to the defibrillation problem: Suppression of the spiral wave
activity of cardiac tissue.– JETP Letters, 2007, v.84, No9,
A.Loskutov and O.Mironyuk. Time
series analysis of ECG: A possibility of the initial diagnostics.– Int.
J. Bif. and Chaos, 2007, v.17, No.10, p.3709-3713
E.P.Zemskov and A.Loskutov.
Oscillating travelling waves in excitable media.– J. Exp. Theor. Phys.,
2008, v. 107, No. 2, p. 344-349
E.Zhuchkova, B.Radnayev, S.Vysotsky,
A.Loskutov. Suppression of turbulent dynamics in models of cardiac tissue by
weak local excitations. In: Understanding Complex Systems. Eds.
S.K.Dana, P.K.Roy, J.Kurths.– Springer, Berlin, 2009, p.89-105 A.Loskutov, A.A.Shavarov, A.V.Ardashev. Prediction of arrhythmic events in contemporary cardiology. In: Clinical Arrhythmology. Ed. A.V.Ardashev.– Moscow, PH «Medpractice», 2009, p.1063-1084 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.A.Shavarov, E.A.Dolgushina, A.V.Ardashev. Cardiac tissue as active media: Invariant characteristics of the theory of dynamical systems and heart rate variability. In: Clinical Arrhythmology. Ed. A.V.Ardashev.– Moscow, PH «Medpractice», 2009, p.1085-1103 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, S.Vysotsky and
S.Boccaletti. New methods of suppression of the spiral wave activity in
cardiac tissue.– Proc. of 17th Intern. Workshop «Nonlinear
Dynamics of Electronic Systems», NDES'2009. Rapperswil, Switzerland June
21-24, 2009, p.153-156
E.P.Zemskov and A.Loskutov.
Traveling waves in a piecewise-linear reaction–diffusion model of excitable
medium.– Biophysics, 2009, v.54, No 5, p.631-636
A.Loskutov and O.Mironyuk. New methods of diagnostics of the cardiac rhythm disturbances.– In: «Dynamical Models of the Processes in Cells and Subcell Nanostructures.» Eds. G.Riznichenko, A.B.Rubin.– Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Moscow-Izhevsk, 2010, p.303-335 (Russian).
E.P.Zemskov and A. Loskutov. Exact
analytical solutions for nonlinear waves in the inhomogeneous Fisher-Kolmogorov
equation.– European Phys. J. B, 2011, v.79, No 1, p.79-84.
► Synchronization and Networks A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. Extraction of prototypes encoded in a chaotic attractor.– In: Artificial Neural Networks, eds. I.Alexander, J.Taylor.– Elsevier, North-Holland, 1992, p.449-452. A.Loskutov and G.E.Thomas. On a possible mechanism of self-organization in a two-dimensional network of coupled quadratic maps.– Proc. SPIE, 1993, v.2037, p.238-249. A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Global synchronization in a coupled quadratic map lattice.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 1999, No1, p.30-33.
K.A.Vasiliev, A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko
and D.N.Udin. Model of a spatially inhomogeneous one-dimensional active
medium.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 2000, v.124, No3, p.1286-1297
A.Loskutov, A.K.Prokhorov and
S.D.Rybalko. Analysis of inhomogeneous chains of coupled quadratic maps.– Theor.
and Math. Physics, 2002, v.132, No1, p.980-996
A.Loskutov and K.Vasiliev. To the
self–organisation problem: A model of formation of the complicated
functional systems.– Math. Modelling, 2004, v.16, No12, p.109-122
► Analysis of Financial Markets A.A.Bredikhin and A.Loskutov. Time series with varying dispersion and the Russian financial market.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 1999, v.1, No1, p.28-45 (Russian). A.Loskutov, Yu.M.Fatkin and Yu.Yu.Chekalin. Analysis of a local market.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 1999, v.1, No2–4, p.16-26 (Russian). A.A.Bredikhin, A.Loskutov and A.B.Sedykh. To the problem of financial time series analysis. I. Linear homodynamical models.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2000, No1, p.10-12. A.Loskutov, D.I.Zhuravlev and O.L.Kotlyarov. Synergetic methods in economics: Dynamics prediction of prices on the stock exchange.– In: Synergetics - 5. Moscow-Izhevsk, 2003,p.115-128 (Russian). M.I.Davidich, M.V.Timashova and A.Loskutov. Non-feedback chaos control in economical models by changes of investment sizes.– Proc. of the Int. Conf. «Mathematical Modeling of Social and Economical Dynamics – MMSED-2004», Moscow, 21-23 June, 2004, p.93-95.
A.Loskutov, D.I.Zhuravlev and
O.L.Kotlyarov. Applications of a local approximation method for forecasting
of economic indices.– Risk Analysis, 2003, v.1, No1, p.21-31
A.Bredikhin and A.Loskutov. To the
problem of financial time series analysis. III. ARCH-models in the Russian
financial market.– Surveys of Applied and Industrial Math., 2004,
v.11, No3, p.468-486 (Russian)
A.A.Bredikhin, A.Loskutov.
Homodynamicity of financial time series.– In: Econophysics. Contemporary
Physics in Search of Economical Theory. Eds. V.V.Kharitonov and
A.A.Ezhov.– Moscow Engineering and Technical Institute Publ., 2007,
p.307-315 (Russian)
A.Loskutov, O.Kotlyarov. Local approximation: A new method of forecasting of economic indexes. – Currency Stag, 2008, No 11, p.8-13 (Russian).
A.Loskutov. Nonlinear optimization
of the chaotic market dynamics.– Economics and Math. Methods, 2010,
v.46, No 3, p. 58-70
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov and
L.G.Akinshin. Mechanism of Fermi acceleration in dispersing billiards with
perturbed boundaries.– J. Exp. and Theor. Physics, 1999, v.89, No5,
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov and
L.G.Akinshin. Properties of some chaotic billiards with time–dependent
boundaries.– J. Phys. A, 2000, v.33, No44, p.7973-7986
A.Loskutov and A.Ryabov. Chaotic time-dependent billiards.– Int. J. of Comp. Anticipatory Syst., 2001, v.8, p.336-354. A.Loskutov, L.G.Akinshi and A.N.Sobolevsky. Dynamics of billiards with periodically time–dependent boundaries.– Applied Nonlin. Dynamics, 2001, v.9, No4-5, p.50-63 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov, L.G.Akinshin. Analysis of billiards with time-dependent boundaries.– Facta Universitatis, Ser.: Mech. 2001, v.3, No11, p99-116.
A.Loskutov and A.Ryabov. Particle
dynamics in time-dependent stadium-like billiards.– J. Stat. Phys.,
2002, v.108, No5-6, p.995-1014
A.Loskutov and A.B.Ryabov. Billiards.– In: Nonlinear waves-2004. Eds. By A.V.Gaponov-Grekhov, V.I. Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod, 2005, p.510-539 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov. Billiard-type systems and Fermi acceleration.– Applied Nonlin. Dynamics, 2008, v.16, No5, p.83-98 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, O.Chichigina, A.Ryabov.
Thermodynamics of dispersing billiards with time-dependent boundaries.–
Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2008, v.18, No 9, p.2863-2869
A.Loskutov, A.K.Krasnova, O.A.Chichigina. Superdiffusion in billiards with time-dependent boundaries as a result of Fermi acceleration.– Modern Problems of Statistical Physics, 2008, v.7, p.3-13 (Russian). A.Loskutov and A.B.Ryabov. Tenuous chaos in non-autonomous billiard systems and Maxwell's demon.– In: Nonlinear waves-2008. Eds. by A.V.Gaponov-Grekhov, V.I. Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod, 2009, p.313-330 (Russian).
A.Loskutov and E.D.Leonel.
Editorial: Time-dependent billiards.– Mathematical Problems in
Engineering, 2009, ID 848619, 4 pp.
E.D.Leonel, D.F.M.Oliveira,
A.Loskutov. Fermi acceleration and scaling properties of a time dependent
oval billiard.– CHAOS, 2009, v.19, 033142, p.1-7
A.S.Bodrova, N.V.Brilliantov and
A.Loskutov. Brownian motion in granular gases of viscoelastic particles.–
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2009, v. 109, No 6, p.946-953
A.B.Ryabov and A.Loskutov.
Time-dependent focusing billiards and macroscopic realization of Maxwell's
Demon. – J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2010, v.43, 125104, p.1-15
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov. Focusing time-dependent billiards as Maxwell’s demon.– Proc. of 18th IEEE Workshop on «Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems», NDES'2010. Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany 26-28 May 2010, p.78-81.
A.Loskutov, A.Ryabov and E.D.Leonel.
Separation of particles in time-dependent focusing billiards.– Physica A,
2010, v.389, No 23, p.5408-5415
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov, A.K.Krasnova and O.A.Chichigina. Billiards with time-dependent boundaries and some their properties.– Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, v.6, No 3, p.573-604 (Russian).
A.L.P.Livorati, A.Loskutov and
E.D.Leonel. A family of stadium-like billiards with parabolic boundaries
under scaling analysis.– J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2011, v.44,
175102, p.1-12
A.Loskutov. To the problem of the catastrophe prediction by nonlinear dynamics methods.– Risk Control, 1999, v.4, p.37-40 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, I.A.Istomin,
K.M.Kuzanyan and O.L.Kotlyarov. Testing and forecasting the time series of
the solar activity by singular spectrum analysis.– Nonlin. Phenomena in
Complex Syst., 2001, v.4, No1, p.47-57
D.I.Zhuravlev and A.Loskutov. Time series: Analysis and Forecasting.– In: «Synergetics, Philosophy, Culture». Eds. V.K.Egorov, F.D.Demidov. Moscow, RASD, 2001, p.273-280 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, I.Istomin, O.Kotlyarov
and K.Kuzanyan. A study of the regularities in Solar magnetic activity by
singular spectrum analysis.– Astronomy Letters, 2001, v.27, No11,
A.Loskutov, O.L.Kotlyarov, I.A.Istomin and D.I.Zhuravlev. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. III. Local methods of time series forecasting.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2002, No6, p.3-21. A.Loskutov and O.Kotlyarov. Nonlinear dynamics and time series analysis.– Risk Analysis, 2004, v.1, No2, p.160-177 (Russian).
I.Istomin, O.Kotlyarov and A.Loskutov.
The problem of processing time series: Extending possibilities of the local
approximation method using singular spectrum analysis.– Theor. and Math.
Physics, 2005, v.142, No1, p.128-137
A.Loskutov, A.A.Kozlov and Yu.M.Khakhanov. Entropy and forecasting of time series in the theory of dynamical systems.– Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, v.14, No 4, p.98-113 (Russian). A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov, K.Vasiliev and A.Ryabov. Fractal growth of rotating DLA–clusters.– Macromol. Symp., 2000, v.160, p.239-248. A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Analysis of rotating DLA–clusters: Theory and computer simulation.– In: NATO ASI, Ser.A, vol.320 "Nonlinear Dynamics in the Life and Social Sciences". Eds. W.Sulis and I.Trofimova.– IOS Press 2001, p.253-261. A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Growth dynamics of rotating DLA–clusters.– In: Emergent Nature. Ed. M.M.Novak.– World Scientific, 2002, p.263-272. A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Analysis of the DLA–process with gravitational interaction of particles in growing cluster.– In: Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications. Ed. J.Ping Li et al. World Scientific, 2003.
A.B.Ryabov, E.B.Postnikov and
A.Loskutov. Diffusion–limited aggregation: A continuum mean field model.–
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2005, v.101, No2, p.253-258
E.B.Postnikov, A.B.Ryabov and
A.Loskutov. Generalization of the DLA process with different immiscible
components by time–scale coarse graining.– J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.,
2007, v.40, No40, p.12033-12042
E.B.Postnikov, A.B.Ryabov and
A.Loskutov. Analysis of patterns formed by two-component diffusion limited
aggregation.– Phys. Rev. E, 2010, v.82, No5, 051403, p.1-6
► Information Processing and Secure Communications A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. Processing information encoded in coupled one-dimensional maps.– In: Neural Networks and Applications. Eds. Gielen and Kappen. Springer, Berlin, 1993, p.685. A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. Processing information encoded in chaotic sets of dynamical systems.– Proc. SPIE, 1993, v.2038, p.263-272. A.Loskutov and S.Rybalko. Controlling dynamical systems: Applications to information processing and secure communications.– Proc. of the Int. Conf. «Control of Oscillations and Chaos» (COC'2000), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 5-7, 2000.– IEEE Publ., p.523-525. A.Loskutov, Yu.Mischenko and S.D.Rybalko. Information safety and new methods of coding and secure communications.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 2000, v.2, No1-2, p.2-13 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and
A.A.Churaev. Information encoding by stablized cycles of dynamical systems.–
Technical Phys. Lett., 2004, v.30, No10, p.843-845
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko.
Applications of dynamical systems with external perturbations for
information encoding and hidden data transmission.– J. of Communications
Technology and Electronics, 2005, v.50, No12, p.1358-1366
A.Loskutov and A.A.Churaev.
Information safety by suppression of chaos.– J. Phys.: Conf. Series,
2005, v.23, p.210-214
A.Loskutov and A.A.Churaev.
Application of chaotic mapping for the encryption of information.–
Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2008, v.63, No2, p.95-100
S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov and
E.V.Ryadchenko. Genome as a two–dimensional walk.– Doklady – Physics,
2005, v.50, No12, p.634-638 S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov and E.V.Ryadchenko. What can we learn about genome from 2D DNA walk?– Proc. of the Int. Conf. «Algorithms in Bioinformatics», J.–V. Poncelet Laboratory, July 11–13, 2006, Moscow Independent University, Moscow, p.49-52. S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko and E.V.Ryadchenko. Genom as a fractal set generated by inversion–diffusion dynamics.– In: Nonlinear waves–2006. Eds. A.V.Gaponov–Grekhov, V.I.Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Phys., Nizhnii Novgorod, 2007, p.491-508 (Russian).
S.Larionov, A.Loskutov and
E.Ryadchenko. Chromosome evolution with naked eye: Palindromic context of
the life origin.– CHAOS, 2008, v.18, 013105, p.1-15
M.S.Poptsova, S.A.Larionov,
E.V.Ryadchenko, S.D.Rybalko, I.A.Zakharov and A.Loskutov. Hidden chromosome
symmetry: In silico transformation reveals symmetry in 2D DNA walk
trajectories of 671 chromosomes. – PLoS ONE, 2009, v.4, No 7, e6396,
S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov, M.S.Poptsova, S.D.Rybalko and E.V.Ryadchenko. Visual genomics.– In: «Dynamical Models of the Processes in Cells and Subcell Nanostructures.» Eds. G.Riznichenko, A.B.Rubin.– Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Moscow-Izhevsk, 2010, p.412-447 (Russian).
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov.
Analysis of small–scale wave structures in the Saturn A ring based on data
from the Cassini interplanetary spacecraft.– J.
Exp. Theor.
Phys., 2005,
v.101, No4, p.646-652
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov.
Wavelet analysis of fine–scale structures in the Saturnian B and C rings
using data from the Cassini spacecraft.– J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2007,
v.104, No3, p.417-422
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov. Continuous wavelet transform as an effective tool for the detecting of Saturn rings' structure.– In: Space Exploration Research. Eds. John H. Denis and Paul D. Aldridge.– Nova Publishers, 2009, p.341-360.
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov. Chaos
and its suppression in the restricted three–body problem.– Proc. of 33 Int.
Conf. «Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics». Ed.
M.D.Todorov. American Institute of Physics, 2007, p.99-105
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov.
Stabilization of chaotic behavior in the restricted three–body problem.–
Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2007, v.17, No.10, p.3603-3606
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov,
J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sanjuán. Stabilized chaos in the Sitnikov problem. In:
Chaos in Astronomy. Eds. G.Contopoulos, P.A.Patsis.– Springer, Berlin,
2009, p.301-305
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sanjuán. Chaos stabilization in the three body problem. In: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos. Eds. M.A.F.Sanjuán and C.Grebogi. World Sci., Ser. Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, 2010, vol.16, p.395-408.
Selected refereed papers in chronological order V.V.Alekseev and A.Loskutov. Destochastization of a system with a strange attractor by parametric interaction.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 1985, v.40, No3, p.46-49.
V.V.Alekseev and A.Loskutov.
Control of a system with a strange attractor through periodic parametric
action.– Sov. Phys.–Dokl., 1987, v.32, No4, p.270-271
A.Loskutov. Possibility of predicting the behaviour of one class of biosystems in a chaotic regime of movement.– Biophysics, 1992, v.37, No1, p.114-121. A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. Extraction of prototypes encoded in a chaotic attractor.– In: Artificial Neural Networks, eds. I.Alexander and J.Taylor.– Elsevier, North–Holland, 1992, p.449-452. A.Loskutov and A.I.Shishmarev. A property of the family of quadratic maps with stochastic dynamics under a parametric action.– Russian Math. Surveys, 1993, v.48, No1, p.183-174.
A.Loskutov. Dynamics control of
chaotic systems by parametric destochastization.– J. Phys. A, 1993,
v.26, No18, p.4581-4594
A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. Processing information encoded in coupled one–dimensional maps.– In: Neural Networks and Applications. Eds. Gielen and Kappen. Springer, Berlin, 1993, p.685.
A.Loskutov, A.I.Shishmarev.
Control of dynamical systems behavior by parametric perturbations: an
analytic approach.– Chaos, 1994, v.4, No2, p.351-355
A.N.Deryugin, A.Loskutov and V.M.Tereshko. To the problem of stabilization of unstable behavior in non-autonomous dynamical systems.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 1995, v.103, No4, p.507-512. A.Loskutov. Chaos, its Suppression and Controlling. In: Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results, ed. J. Awrejcewicz. Academy Verlag, 1995. A.Loskutov, V.M.Tereshko and K.A.Vasiliev. Predicted dynamics for cyclic cascades of chaotic deterministic automata.– Int. J. Neural Systems, 1995, v.6, p.175-182.
A.N.Deryugin, A.Loskutov and
V.M.Tereshko. Inducing stable periodic dynamics by parametric
perturbations.– Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,, 1996, v.7, No10,
A.Loskutov, V.M.Tereshko and K.A.Vasiliev. Stabilization of chaotic dynamics of one-dimensional maps.– Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 1996, v.6, No4, p.725-735. A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko, U.Feudel and J.Kurths. Suppression of chaos by cyclic parametric excitation in two-dimensional maps.– J. Phys. A, 1996, v.29, No18, p.5759-5773. A.Loskutov. Chaoticity of dynamical systems and chaos suppression: Main concepts.– Physical Ideas of Russia, 1997, v.2-3, p.5-35 (Russian). A.Loskutov. Dynamical Systems: Chaoticity and Controllability.– In: Transactions of the Seminar "Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems". Moscow Univ. Press, Moscow, 1999, p.45-100 (Russian). A.A.Bredikhin and A.Loskutov. Time series with varying dispersion and the Russian financial market.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 1999, v.1, No1, p.28-45.
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov and
L.G.Akinshin. Mechanism of Fermi acceleration in dispersing billiards with
perturbed boundaries.– J. Exp. and Theor. Physics, 1999, v.89, No5,
A.Loskutov, Yu.M.Fatkin and Yu.Yu.Chekalin. Analysis of a local market.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 1999, v.1, No2–4, p.16-26 (Russian). A.N.Deryugin and A.Loskutov. To the problem of creation of limit cycles from a separatrix contour in a three parameter dynamical system family on two-dimensional oriented manifolds.– Differential Eqs., 1999, v.35, No12, p.1607-1618. A.Loskutov, A.V.Mushenkov, A.I.Odintsov, A.I.Fedoseev and A.V.Fedyanovich. Chaotic lasing regimes in the unstable cavity of a inhomogeneously pumped fast–flow laser.– Quantum Electronics, 1999, v.29, No11, p.965-969. A.Loskutov. To the problem of the catastrophe prediction by nonlinear dynamics methods.– Risk Control, 1999, v.4, p.37-40 (Russian).
A.Loskutov and S.Rybalko. Chaos
theory: Present and future.– Notices of the American Math. Soc.,
2000, v.47, No4, p.438
K.A.Vasiliev, A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko
and D.N.Udin. Model of a spatially inhomogeneous one–dimensional active
medium.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 2000, v.124, No3, p.1286-1297
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov and
L.G.Akinshin. Properties of some chaotic billiards with time–dependent
boundaries.– J. Phys. A, 2000, v.33, No44, p.7973-7986
A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov, K.Vasiliev and A.Ryabov. Fractal growth of rotating DLA–clusters.– Macromol. Symp., 2000, v.160, p.239-248. A.Loskutov, Yu.Mischenko and S.D.Rybalko. Information safety and new methods of coding and secure communications.– Problems of Risk Analysis, 2000, v.2, No1-2, p.2-13 (Russian). A.A.Bredikhin, A.Loskutov and A.B.Sedykh. To the problem of financial time series analysis. I. Linear homodynamical models.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2000, No1, p.10-12. A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. I. Chaos.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-20. A.Loskutov. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. II. Suppression of chaos and controlling dynamical systems.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2001, No2, p.3-21. A.Loskutov. Chaos and control in dynamical systems.– Computational Math. and Modeling, 2001, v.12, No4, p.314-352.
A.Loskutov, I.A.Istomin,
K.M.Kuzanyan and O.L.Kotlyarov. Testing and forecasting the time series of
the solar activity by singular spectrum analysis.– Nonlin. Phenomena in
Complex Syst., 2001, v.4, No1, p.47-57
A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Analysis of rotating DLA–clusters: Theory and computer simulation.– In: NATO ASI, Ser.A, vol.320 "Nonlinear Dynamics in the Life and Social Sciences". Eds. W.Sulis and I.Trofimova.– IOS Press 2001, p.253-261.
A.Loskutov, I.Istomin, O.Kotlyarov
and K.Kuzanyan. A study of the regularities in Solar magnetic activity by
singular spectrum analysis.– Astronomy Letters, 2001, v.27, No11,
A.Loskutov, L.G.Akinshi and A.N.Sobolevsky. Dynamics of billiards with periodically time–dependent boundaries.– Applied Nonlin. Dynamics, 2001, v.9, No4-5, p.50-63 (Russian). A.Loskutov, O.L.Kotlyarov, I.A.Istomin and D.I.Zhuravlev. Problems of nonlinear dynamics. III. Local methods of time series forecasting.– Moscow Univ. Phys. Bull., 2002, No6, p.3-21.
N.V.Brilliantov, A.Loskutov and
V.V.Malinin. Field theory analysis of critical behavior of a symmetric
binary fluid.– Theor. and Math. Physics, 2002, v.130, No1,
A.Loskutov, A.K.Prokhorov and
S.D.Rybalko. Analysis of inhomogeneous chains of coupled quadratic maps.– Theor.
and Math. Physics, 2002, v.132, No1, p.980-996
A.Loskutov and A.Ryabov. Particle
dynamics in time-dependent stadium-like billiards.– J. Stat. Phys.,
2002, v.108, No5-6, p.995-1014
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Some properties of one- and two-dimensional perturbed maps.– Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Difference Equations and Applications, ICDEA'2000, Temuco, Chile, January 3–7, 2000.– Taylor and Francis Publ., London, 2002, p.207-230. A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Growth dynamics of rotating DLA–clusters.– In: Emergent Nature. Ed. M.M.Novak.– World Scientific, 2002, p.263-272. A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and E.Zhuchkova. Dynamics of excitable media with two interacting pacemakers.– Biophysics, 2002, v.47, No5, p.829-838. A.Loskutov, D.Andrievsky, V.Ivanov and A.Ryabov. Analysis of the DLA–process with gravitational interaction of particles in growing cluster.– In: Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications. Ed. J.Ping Li et al. World Scientific, 2003. A.Loskutov and A.R.Dzhanoev. Suppression of homoclinical chaos.– In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. Vol. 3. Ed. S.V.Emel'yanov and S.K.Korovin. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2003, p.107-122 (Russian). A.Loskutov and A.R.Dzhanoev. Stabilization of the chaotic behaviour of dynamical systems.– Doklady–Physics, 2003, v.48, No10, p.580-582. A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Mechanisms of non-feedback controlling chaos and suppression of chaotic motion.– In: Proc. of 2003 Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 20-22, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Eds. A.L.Fradkov and A.N.Churilov.– IEEE, 2003, vol.2, p.378-389. A.Loskutov and A.Dzhanoev. Homoclinical chaos suppression.– In: Proc. of 2003 Int. Conf. «Physics and Control», August 20-22, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Eds. A.L.Fradkov and A.N.Churilov.– IEEE, 2003, vol.2, p..403-409.
A.Loskutov, A.R.Dzhanoev.
Suppression of chaos in the vicinity of a separatrix.– J. Exp. and Theor.
Physics, 2004, v.125, No5, p.1194-1203
A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and
E.Zhuchkova. Model of cardiac tissue as a conductive system with interacting
pacemakers and refractory time.– Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2004, v.14,
No7, p.2457-2466
N.A.Kovaleva and A.Loskutov.
Stabilization of diffusion–induced chaotic processes.– Doklady – Physical
Chemistry, 2004, v.396, No1, p.105-107
A.Loskutov, S.Rybalko and
A.A.Churaev. Information encoding by stablized cycles of dynamical systems.–
Technical Phys. Lett., 2004, v.30, No10, p.843-845
A.Loskutov and K.Vasiliev. To the
self–organisation problem: A model of formation of the complicated
functional systems.– Math. Modelling, 2004, v.16, No12, p.109-122
A.Loskutov and O.Kotlyarov. Nonlinear dynamics and time series analysis.– Risk Analysis, 2004, v.1, No2, p.160-177 (Russian).
A.Bredikhin and A.Loskutov. To the
problem of financial time series analysis. III. ARCH-models in the Russian
financial market.– Surveys of Applied and Industrial Math., 2004,
v.11, No3, p.468-486 (Russian)
A.Loskutov and A.B.Ryabov. Billiards.– Nonlinear waves–2004. Eds. by A.V.Gaponov–Grekhov, V.I.Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Phys., Nizhnii Novgorod, 2005, p.510-539 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, R.V.Cheremin and
S.A.Vysotsky. Stabilization of turbulent dynamics in excitable media by an
external point action.– Doklady – Physics, 2005, v.50, No10,
I.Istomin, O.Kotlyarov and A.Loskutov.
The problem of processing time series: Extending possibilities of the local
approximation method using singular spectrum analysis.– Theor. and Math.
Physics, 2005, v.142, No1, p.128-137
S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov and
E.V.Ryadchenko. Genome as a two–dimensional walk.– Doklady – Physics,
2005, v.50, No12, p.634-638
A.B.Ryabov, E.B.Postnikov and
A.Loskutov. Diffusion–limited aggregation: A continuum mean field model.–
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2005, v.101, No2, p.253-258
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov.
Analysis of small–scale wave structures in the Saturn A ring based on data
from the Cassini interplanetary spacecraft.– J.
Exp. Theor.
Phys., 2005,
v.101, No4, p.646-652
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko.
Applications of dynamical systems with external perturbations for
information encoding and hidden data transmission.– J. of Communications
Technology and Electronics, 2005, v.50, No12, p.1358-1366
S.A.Vysotsky, R.V.Cheremin and
A.Loskutov. Suppression of spatio–temporal chaos in simple models of
re–entrant fibrillations.– J. Phys.: Conf. Series, 2005, v.23,
A.Loskutov and A.A.Churaev.
Information safety by suppression of chaos.– J. Phys.: Conf. Series,
2005, v.23, p.210-214
O.Mironyuk and A.Loskutov.
Detection of cardiac pathologies by dimensional characteristics of RR–intervals
of the electrocardiograms.– Biophysics, 2006, v.51, p.115-119
T.Schwalger, A.Dzhanoev and
A.Loskutov. May chaos always be suppressed by parametric perturbations?–
CHAOS, 2006, v.16, 023109 p.1-5
A.Loskutov. Parametric
perturbations and non–feedback controlling chaotic motion.– Discrete and
Cont. Dyn. Syst.–B, 2006, v.6, No5, p.1157-1174
A.Loskutov. Bifurcation.– Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2006, v.3, p.564-565. S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov and E.V.Ryadchenko. What can we learn about genome from 2D DNA walk?– Proc. of the Int. Conf. «Algorithms in Bioinformatics», J.–V. Poncelet Laboratory, July 11–13, 2006, Moscow Independent University, Moscow, p.49-52.
A.Loskutov. Dynamical chaos. Systems of classical mechanics.–
Physics -
Uspekhi, 2007, v.50, No9, p.939-964
A.Loskutov, S.A.Vysotskii. New
approach to the defibrillation problem: Suppression of the spiral wave
activity of cardiac tissue.– JETP Letters, 2007, v.84, No9,
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, H.Cao and
M.A.F.Sanjuan. A new mechanism of chaos suppression.– Discrete and Cont.
Dyn. Syst.–B, 2007, v.7, No2, p.275-284
S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov, S.D.Rybalko and E.V.Ryadchenko. Genom as a fractal set generated by inversion–diffusion dynamics.– In: Nonlinear waves–2006. Eds. A.V.Gaponov–Grekhov, V.I.Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Phys., Nizhnii Novgorod, 2007, p.491-508 (Russian).
A.A.Bredikhin and A.Loskutov.
Homodynamicity of financial time series.– In: Econophysics. Contemporary
Physics in Search of Economical Theory. Eds. V.V.Kharitonov and
A.A.Ezhov.– Moscow Engineering and Technical Institute Publ., 2007,
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov.
Stabilization of chaotic behavior in the restricted three–body problem.–
Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2007, v.17, No.10, p.3603-3606
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov.
Wavelet analysis of fine–scale structures in the Saturnian B and C rings
using data from the Cassini spacecraft.– J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 2007,
v.104, No3, p.417-422
E.B.Postnikov, A.B.Ryabov and
A.Loskutov. Generalization of the DLA process with different immiscible
components by time–scale coarse graining.– J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.,
2007, v.40, No40, p.12033-12042
A.Dzhanoev and A.Loskutov. Chaos
and its suppression in the restricted three–body problem.– Proc. of 33 Int.
Conf. «Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics». Ed.
M.D.Todorov. American Institute of Physics, 2007, p.99-105
A.Loskutov and O.Mironyuk. Time
series analysis of ECG: A possibility of the initial diagnostics.– Int.
J. Bif. and Chaos, 2007, v.17, No.10, p.3709-3713
S.Larionov, A.Loskutov and
E.Ryadchenko. Chromosome evolution with naked eye: Palindromic context of
the life origin.– CHAOS, 2008, v.18, 013105, p.1-15
A.Loskutov and A.A.Churaev.
Application of chaotic mapping for the encryption of information.– Moscow
Univ. Phys. Bull., 2008, v.63, No2, p.95-100
E.P.Zemskov and A.Loskutov.
Oscillating travelling waves in excitable media.– J. Exp. Theor. Phys.,
2008, v. 107, No. 2, p. 344-349
A.Loskutov and A.B.Ryabov. Billiard-type systems and Fermi acceleration.– Applied Nonlin. Dynamics, 2008, v.16, No5, p.83-98 (Russian).
A.Loskutov, O.Chichigina and
A.Ryabov. Thermodynamics of dispersing billiards with time–dependent
boundaries.– Int. J. Bif. and Chaos, 2008, v.18, No 9, p.2863-2869
A.Loskutov and S.D.Rybalko. Solution of the inverse problem of the parametric control of one-dimensional maps.– In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. Vol.6. Eds. S.V.Emelyanov, S.K.Korovin. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2008, p.229-240 (Russian). A.Loskutov, O.Kotlyarov. Local approximation: A new method of forecasting of economic indexes. – Currency Stag, 2008, No 11, p.8-13 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.K.Krasnova, O.A.Chichigina. Superdiffusion in billiards with time-dependent boundaries as a result of Fermi acceleration.– Modern Problems of Statistical Physics, 2008, v.7, p.3-13 (Russian).
E.Zhuchkova, B.Radnayev, S.Vysotsky, A.Loskutov.
Suppression of turbulent dynamics in models of cardiac tissue by weak local
excitations. In: Understanding Complex Systems. Eds. S.K.Dana, P.K.Roy, J.Kurths.– Springer, Berlin, 2009, p.89-105
A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sánjuan.
Stabilized chaos in the Sitnikov problem. In: Chaos in Astronomy.
Eds. G.Contopoulos, P.A.Patsis.– Springer, Berlin, 2009, p.301-305
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov. Tenuous chaos in non-autonomous billiard systems and Maxwell's demon.– In: Nonlinear waves-2008. Eds. by A.V.Gaponov-Grekhov, V.I. Nekorkin.– Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod, 2009, p.313-330 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.A.Shavarov, A.V.Ardashev. Prediction of arrhythmic events in contemporary cardiology. In: Clinical Arrhythmology. Ed. A.V.Ardashev.– Moscow, PH «Medpractice», 2009, p.1063-1084 (Russian). A.Loskutov, A.A.Shavarov, E.A.Dolgushina, A.V.Ardashev. Cardiac tissue as active media: Invariant characteristics of the theory of dynamical systems and heart rate variability. In: Clinical Arrhythmology. Ed. A.V.Ardashev.– Moscow, PH «Medpractice», 2009, p.1085-1103 (Russian).
M.S.Poptsova, S.A.Larionov, E.V.Ryadchenko,
S.D.Rybalko, I.A.Zakharov and A.Loskutov. Hidden chromosome symmetry: In
silico transformation reveals symmetry in 2D DNA walk trajectories of 671
chromosomes. – PLoS ONE, 2009, v.4, No 7, e6396, p.1-13
A.Loskutov, S.Vysotsky and S.Boccaletti. New methods
of suppression of the spiral wave activity in cardiac tissue.– Proc. of
17th Intern. Workshop «Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems»,
NDES'2009. Rapperswil, Switzerland, June 21-24, 2009, p.153-156
E.B.Postnikov and A.Loskutov. Continuous wavelet transform as an effective tool for the detecting of Saturn rings' structure.– In: Space Exploration Research. Eds. John H. Denis and Paul D. Aldridge.– Nova Publishers, 2009, p.341-360.
A.Loskutov and E.D.Leonel. Editorial: Time-dependent
billiards.– Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009, ID 848619, 4
E.P.Zemskov and A.Loskutov. Traveling waves in a
piecewise-linear reaction–diffusion model of excitable medium.–
Biophysics, 2009, v.54, No 5, p.631–636
E.D.Leonel, D.F.M.Oliveira, A.Loskutov. Fermi
acceleration and scaling properties of a time dependent oval billiard.–
CHAOS, 2009, v.19, 033142, p.1-7
A.S.Bodrova, N.V.Brilliantov and A.Loskutov. Brownian
motion in granular gases of viscoelastic particles.– J. Exp. Theor. Phys.,
2009, vol. 109, No 6, p.946-953
A.Loskutov, A.A.Kozlov and Yu.M.Khakhanov. Entropy and forecasting of time series in the theory of dynamical systems.– Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009, v.14, No 4, p.98-113 (Russian).
A.Loskutov. Fascination of chaos.–
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A.B.Ryabov and A.Loskutov. Time-dependent focusing
billiards and macroscopic realization of Maxwell's Demon. – J. Phys. A:
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A.Loskutov and A.B.Ryabov. Focusing time-dependent billiards as Maxwell’s demon.– Proc. of 18th IEEE Workshop on «Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems», NDES'2010. Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany 26 – 28 May 2010, p.78-81.
A.Loskutov. Nonlinear optimization of the chaotic
market dynamics.– Economics and Math. Methods, 2010, v.46, No 3, p.
58-70 (Russian)
A.Loskutov, A.Ryabov and E.D.Leonel. Separation of
particles in time-dependent focusing billiards.– Physica A, 2010,
v.389, No 23, p.5408-5415
A.Loskutov and O.Mironyuk. New methods of diagnostics of the cardiac rhythm disturbances.– In: «Dynamical Models of the Processes in Cells and Subcell Nanostructures.» Eds. G.Riznichenko, A.B.Rubin.– Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Moscow-Izhevsk, 2010, p.303-335 (Russian). S.A.Larionov, A.Loskutov, M.S.Poptsova, S.D.Rybalko and E.V.Ryadchenko. Visual genomics.– In: «Dynamical Models of the Processes in Cells and Subcell Nanostructures.» Eds. G.Riznichenko, A.B.Rubin.– Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Moscow-Izhevsk, 2010, p.412-447 (Russian).
E.B.Postnikov, A.B.Ryabov and A.Loskutov. Analysis of
patterns formed by two-component diffusion limited aggregation.– Phys.
Rev. E, 2010, v.82, No5, 051403, p.1-6
A.Loskutov, A.B.Ryabov, A.K.Krasnova and O.A.Chichigina. Billiards with time-dependent boundaries and some their properties.– Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, v.6, No 3, p.573-604 (Russian). A.R.Dzhanoev, A.Loskutov, J.E.Howard, M.A.F.Sanjuán. Chaos stabilization in the three body problem. In: Recent Progress in Controlling Chaos. Eds. M.A.F.Sanjuán and C.Grebogi. World Sci., Ser. Stability, Vibration and Control of Systems, 2010, v.16, p.395-408.
E.P.Zemskov and A. Loskutov. Exact
analytical solutions for nonlinear waves in the inhomogeneous Fisher-Kolmogorov
equation.– European Phys. J. B, 2011, v.79, No 1, p.79-84
A.L.P.Livorati, A.Loskutov and
E.D.Leonel. A family of stadium-like billiards with parabolic boundaries
under scaling analysis.– J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 2011, v.44,
175102, p.1-12