E.B. Postnikov. Methods of Mathematical Physics in Signal and Image Processing (in Russian).
München: GRIN Verlag, 2009. 71 pages. ISBN: 978-3-640-32219-0.
Chapters in books:
E.B. Postnikov. Wavelet Study of Dynamical Systems using Partial Differential Equations. In: Frontiers in the Study of Chaotic Dynamical Systems with Open Problems (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B) / Eds.: Zeraoulia Elhadj and Julien Clinton Sprott.
World Scientific, 2011. pp. 149-154.
E.B. Postnikov. Partial Differential Equations as a Tool for Evaluation of the Continuous Wavelet Transform. In:
Mathematical Physics Research Developments / Ed.: Morris B. Levy. Nova Publishers, 2009. pp. 1-36. (Reprinted in: Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Analysis and Applications / Ed.: Christopher L. Jang. Nova Publishers, 2011. pp. 277-312.)
E.B. Postnikov, A. Loskutov. Continuous Wavelet Transform as an Effective Tool for the Detecting of Saturn Rings' Structure. In:
Space Exploration Research/ Eds.: John H. Denis and Paul D. Aldridge. Nova Publishers, 2009. pp. 341-360.
Articles in journals published in English
E.B. Postnikov, D. V. Verveyko, A.Yu. Verisokin.
Simple model for temperature control of glycolytic oscillations.
Physical Review E. 2011. V. 83. 062901.
V.M. Polunin, I.A. Shabanova, M.L. Boev, P.A.Ryapolov, E.B. Postnikov. On the dynamics of self-restoring of magnetic fluid membranes Magnetohydrodynamics. 2011. V. 47. pp. 303-313.
S.G.Yemelyanov, V.M. Polunin, A.M. Storozhenko, E.B. Postnikov, P.A. Ryapolov
Sound speed in a non-uniformly magnetized magnetic fluid.
Magnetohydrodynamics. 2011. V. 47. pp. 29-40.
E.B. Postnikov, A.B. Ryabov, A. Loskutov.
Analysis of patterns formed by two-component diffusion limited aggregation.
Physical Review E. 2010. V. 82. 051403.
E.B. Postnikov, E.A. Lebedeva.
Decomposition of strong nonlinear oscillations via modified continuous wavelet transform.
Physical Review E. 2010. V. 82. 057201.
Yu.A. Mirgorod, E.B. Postnikov, N. A. Borshch.
13C NMR investigation of the structure of alkylammonium chloride micells in aqueous solutions
Journal of Structural Chemistry. 2010. V. 51. pp. 1111-1118.
E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Verisokin, D. V. Verveyko, A.I. Lavrova.
Self-sustained biochemical oscillations and waves with a feedback determined only by boundary conditions.
Physical Review E. 2010. V. 81. 052901.
E.B. Postnikov.
Hierarchical mean-field model describing relaxation in a small-world network.
Physical Review E. 2009. V. 80. 062105.
A.I. Lavrova, E.B. Postnikov, Yu.M. Romanovsky.
Brusselator: an abstract chemical reaction?
Physics-Uspekhi. 2009. V. 52. pp. 1239-1244.
E.B. Postnikov.
Wavelet phase synchronization and chaoticity.
Physical Review E. 2009. V. 80. 057201.
A.I. Lavrova, L. Schimansky-Geier, E.B. Postnikov.
Phase reversal in the Selkov model with inhomogeneous influx.
Physical Review E. 2009. V. 79. 057102.
U. Naether, E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov.
Infection fronts in contact disease spread.
The European Physical Journal B. 2008. V. 65. pp. 353-359.
E.B. Postnikov, A.B. Ryabov, A. Loskutov.
Generalization of the DLA process with different immiscible components by time-scale coarse graining.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2007. V. 40. No. 40. pp. 12033-12042
E.B. Postnikov.
On Precision of Wavelet Phase Synchronization of Chaotic Systems.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007. V. 105. No. 3. pp. 652-654.
E.B. Postnikov, I.M. Sokolov.
Continuum description of a contact infection spread in a SIR model.
Mathematical Biosciences. 2007. V. 208. Iss.1. pp. 205–215.
E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Loskutov.
Wavelet Analysis of Fine-Scale Structures in the Saturnian B and C Ring Using Data from the Cassini Interplanetary Spacecraft.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007. V. 104. No. 3. pp. 417-422.
M.F. Bolotnikov, E.B. Postnikov.
Method for Estimating Critical Pressure.
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. V. 52, 2007, pp. 226-229.
E.A. Lebedeva, E.B. Postnikov.
Minimization of a Constant of Uncertainty for the Meyer Wavelet Basis.
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing. V. 5, 2006, No. 3, pp. 341-348.
E.B. Postnikov.
Evaluation of a Continuous Wavelet Transform by Solving the Cauchy Problem for a System of Partial Differential Equations.
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. V. 46, 2006, No. 1, pp. 73-78.
E.B. Postnikov, A.Yu. Loskutov.
Analysis of Small-Scale Wave Structures in the Saturnian A Ring Based on Data from the Cassini Interplanetary Spacecraft.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2005. V. 101. No. 4. pp. 646-652.
A.B. Ryabov, E.B. Postnikov, A,Yu. Loskutov.
Diffusion-Limited Aggregation: A Continuum Mean Field Model.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2005. V. 101. No. 2. pp. 253-258.
Yu. A. Mirgorod, A. V. Kurdyukov, E. B. Postnikov.
Thermodynamic Models of Alkaline-Earth Metal Ion Flotation.
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2005. V. 79. No.8. pp. 1203-1208.
E.B. Postnikov, O.B. Stepanova.
A Variant of the Pure Quaternionic Repreresentation of the Navier-Stokes Equation.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. 2005. V. 15. Iss. 1. pp. 67-69.
P.S. Zykov, E.B. Postnikov.
Application of the Wavelet Transform with a Piecewise Linear Basis to the Evaluation of the Hankel Transform.
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. V. 44, No. 3, 2004, pp. 396-400.
E.B. Postnikov.
Using Wavelets Based on B-splines for Calculation of the Hankel Transform.
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics. 2004. V. 3. Iss. 1. pp. 250-252.
E.B. Postnikov.
NMR Sample Data Processing Using Subdivision.
Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing. 2003. V.2, No. 3. pp. 297-303.
E.B. Postnikov.
About calculation of the Hankel transform using preliminary wavelet transform.
Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2003. No. 6. 2003. pp. 319-325.
G.V. Karpova, O.V. Lobova, V.M. Paukov, V.M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov.
Experimental Investigation of an Air–Magnetic-Liquid Resonator.
Acoustical Physics. 2002. V. 48. No. 3. pp. 305-308.
A.G. Besedin, I.E. Dmitriev, V. M. Polunin, E.B. Postnikov.
On the AME Character in a Magnetic Liquid Poured in a Cylindrical Container.
Magnetohydrodynamics. 2001. V.37. No. 4. pp. 427-431.
E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev.
Cerencov-Type Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in a Viscoelastic Cylinder.
Acoustical Physics. 2000. V. 46. No. 2. pp. 191-194.
E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev.
Magnetoacoustic Heating of a Flat Layer by Traveling Wave of Current.
Technical Physics Letters. 2000. V.26. Iss. 2. pp. 175-177.
Articles in journals, published in Russian
E.B. Postnikov.
The representation of a wavelet transform of the Gaussian family by a superposition of solutions to partial differential equations.
Vychislitel'nye metody i programmirovanie (Numerical Methods and Programming). 2008. V.9. pp. 84-89.
M.I. Davidich, E.B. Postnikov.
Boolean model of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell division cycle: the dynamics in the case of normal and perturbated initial conditions.
Matematicheskaya biologiya i bioinformatika (Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics). 2007. V. 2. No. 2. pp. 375-384.
E.A. Lebedeva, E.B. Postnikov.
Meyer's wavelet with a refined localization.
Vychislitel'nye metody i programmirovanie (Numerical Methods and Programming).
2006. V.7. pp. 122-124.
E.N. Manaeva, E.B. Postnikov.
Electromagnetic processes near the front of step-like impulse in electromagnetic sounding of the Earth for slightly heterogeneous conducting medium.
Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 2002. No. 3. pp. 104-108.
R.V. Kiselev, E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev.
Effect of displacement currents on the interaction between short-duration electromagnetic pulses and the Earth surface.
Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 2000. No. 1. pp. 114-117.
T.I. Pashkova, E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev.
On the interaction of step-like and rectangular electromagnetic pulses with the Earth surface.
Izvestia Vuzov. Geologia i Razvedka (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Geology and Geology Exploration). 1999. No. 5. pp. 115-119.
E.B. Postnikov, S.V. Sobolev.
About magnetohermoacoustic influence on low conducting polymeric composites.
Izvestia Vuzov. Khimia I Khimicheskaia Tekhnologia (Russian Transactions of the Institutes of Higher Education. Ser. Chemistry and Chemical Technology). 1999. V. 42. No. 6. pp. 107-110.
Articles and extended abstracts in Proceedings of conferences, published in English
V.V. Melent’ev, A.L. Goncharov, E.B. Postnikov. Study of “Liquid-Liquid” Structure Transitions by Acoustical Method. Proceedings of the XXIV Session of the Russian Acoustical Society and Session of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on Acoustics. Saratov, 2011, pp. 40-42.
A.Yu. Verisokin, D.V. Verveyko, E.B. Postnikov, A.I. Lavrova. Model of Glycolytic Traveling Waves Control in 3D Spatial Reactor. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control/Part of 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 8-10), 2009, pp. 194-198.
R.V. Kiseliov, E.B. Postnikov.
Computer Implementation of the Wavelet Analysis of Acoustical Signals via the Algorithm based on the Numerical Solution of the Partial Differential Equations.
Proceedings of the XIX Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Acoustical Measurements and Standartization. Nizhny Novgorod, 2007, pp. 233-235.
E.B. Postnikov.
Time-Frequency Analysis of Non-Stationary Signals Using the Continuous Wavelet Transform based on the Solving of PDE.
Proceedings of the XVIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Acoustical Measurements and Standartization. Electroacoustics. Taganrog, 2006, pp. 246-248.
M.F. Bolotnikov, M.Yu. Verisokin, E.B. Postnikov.
Study of an Influence of Acoustical System's Properties on the Faraday Wave's Generation in the Vessel, which is Fixed on this System.
Proceedings of the XIII Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Physical Acoustics. Moscow, 2003, pp. 158-160.
O. V. Lobova, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov.
About Oscillation Frequencies of the Magnetic Fluids Sealants.
10th Anniversary International Plyos Conference for Magnetic Fluids, Book of abstracts. Plyos, Russia. 2002, pp. 107-109.
G. V. Karpova, O. V. Lobova, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov, L.I. Roslyakova.
Magnetic Fluids Sealants Properties.
Proceedings of the XI Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Electroacoustics. Moscow, 2001, pp. 525-528.
A.G. Besedin, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov.
Acostomagnetic Effect Near the Basis of a Magnetic Liquid Cylinder.
Proceedings of the X Session of the Russian Acoustical Society. Ultrasound and Ultrasound Technology. Moscow, 2000.
A.G. Besedin, I.E. Dmitriev, V. M. Polunin, E. B. Postnikov.
Acostomagnetic Effect Near the Basis of a Magnetic Liquid Cylinder.
9th International Plyos Conference for Magnetic Fluids. Plyos, Russia. 2000, pp. 25-27.